Adult On Camera Training

                   ADULT On Camera Coach. Prepare for the audition and taping

* Prepare for local and national auditions. The opportunity to promote your professional acting business through auditions live or taped, is always the goal.  Private coaching will help define your skills for comedic and dramatic roles.  Bring urgency to your audition and bring yourself to the role.  

  • Knowledge of the emotional climate, scene study , character voices and personalities will add clarity to taped and live auditions.


Voice Over Talent:  Demo Reel tape of performances, host to character.  Establish the scene, attach yourself and respond.

Television Auditions:  Comedic Values used as tools to enhance the television view ability.

Film Roles:  Create a believable scene with dramatic emotional recall to develop beats and levels.

                 Fees:     *$90 1.5 hour sessions, taped                     *$60 Self Tape audition submissions.       * $30  Quick Tape auditions, half hour session                                Keynote Speakers:  Develop content, use of stage, engage the audience with story telling.  Bring your message to the heart of the listener.  Improve your marketing and booking potential. Contact Su Coffey for questions and appointments. 720.299.4721